Saturday, 23 May 2015

Baby Fever

Apparently, or so I've found, you get to a certain age in life and then your news feed fills up with proposals, weddings and babies! I don't know about you, but from an early age I have been dreaming of the day that I meet the man I want to start a family with.  Luckily this has now happened, panic over!

But there's always the same questions that everyone asks.

When is the right time? How do you know he's the one? Are you financially ready? 

I've asked a lot of people these questions that have had children, and the general consensus was that there is never that perfect time in your life that you are ever ready.  Who can tell you how you life will change when you have a baby, or how you will cope with the added financial pressure? I feel the only one who can really answer these questions is you.

I don't know what it is about the unknown desire to have a baby.  Its as if my ovaries are calling out to me to be put to good use.  Or the terrifying thought that if I leave it too late that I might not be able to have children.  I don't actually remember a day where I haven't ever wanted children.  Its like it was programmed into my genes.  Even when I was a child I use to sit for hours upon end watching birthing programmes, (my mum thought I was destined to be a midwife) so interested to know everything there was to know about labour.  Very strange I know!  That ache and longing to want to know what my child would look like, their personality and characteristics, the feeling of holding them in my arms.

The baby fever does come and go, logic usually kicks in pretty strong for me.  The fear of change and vulnerability vibrating through my core, shaking me to sense.  I would like to be married first and more financially stable, these are important to us as a family unit. 

 So I guess, until that time, I will reside to endlessly gazing upon instagram and blog feeds of those delightful squidgy hands and feet.  Precious moments captured by devoted mothers and fathers. 

I'll still be here delirious with baby fever.  

Dreaming of the day that I will join the mum club.

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