Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Don't give up the day job!

So being a creative person but then also needing to pay my bills can sometimes work out tricky to maintain.  I know I am not the only one to have put on hold those lofty dreams of walking straight out of uni and into a high flying dream job!
 But I've also had quite a good run of things in my life and have to be grateful for this.  Don't get me wrong in no way have I given up on being a full time photographer but I have had to put starting my own business on the back burner while I earn enough to fund buying equipment and studio space.  Which I know will all come in good time!

But office environments arn't easy.  Be it the long hours of staring at a computer screen, lack of movement for long periods of time, realising you probably should have done something with you hair when people look at you funny( this happens way too often), wearing clothes that could possibly pass for day pyjamas, or realising the work you are doing isnt the most stimulating!  I've tried listening to Ted talks, motivational pictures, reading articles on ways to enjoy working in an office, but nothing seems to help the endless reel of sameness.  I do know that I have a purpose and the overall goal of my office job is positive, and I do work for a great company, I just feel sometimes that its not my calling, and I'm sure others can agree that you don't always get to love your work.  And thats ok.

But it does have some perks, I've met some pretty funny people who have made getting a numb bum all day that much more enjoyable.  Like when Kelly moved to another department she left me this note brightening my day, or when people laugh at me because my calculator is the same size as a laptop!  It does sometimes get to that place in the day, where I'm sure you can relate, that you think its never going to end, but then you start a email feed of cats flying, or pigs with wings, or one of my personal favourites, grumpy cat. 

This then results in fits of laughter verging on lunacy......but you see silver linings hey?

So until the day where I am able to fulfil my dreams of running my own business, I'll just keep on enjoying the little things, laughing at the ridiculous, and welcoming each day as it comes. 

High fives all round to others who work in offices and wish they didn't!

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